Tree & Shrub Removal

How can we help you with your tree & shrub removal needs?

No one likes to see a tree get damaged, or come to the end of its life. But, to keep your other plants healthy and your property safe, it’s important to remove dead trees or shrubs. Our caring arborists will make the best recommendation and bring our crews to do the job right. We are fully equipped, licensed and insured to work anywhere in the Colorado Springs area. Call us for a Free Tree Care diagnosis.

Why remove trees?

There are many reasons why trees decline, become hazardous, or die. The difficult part is to decide what to do. Save it or remove it. Owners who want to keep their tree as long as possible, will have the diseased and dead branches cut out and water deeply when needed. Dying trees can be a danger – falling on people or structures – and cause worry to your neighbors.

To decide what option is better for your tree, it’s important to talk with an arborist who can help you decide. We are happy to meet with you.

  • Is the tree a desirable species?
  • How healthy is the tree? Is the tree leaning?
  • Are there large dead branches – on one side or the other?
  • Is the trunk damaged; are there sprouts coming out of the base of the tree.

Call our Colorado Springs Office: 719.444.8800
or contact us online:

Colorado Springs Lawn Care & Tree Care Estimate