Fire Mitigation

Fire-Mitigation-Before-AfterA reality of living in Colorado is drought and wildfire. Much of Colorado Springs is in the wildland interface, an area prone to wildfire. Decades of fire suppression in areas naturally adapted to low intensity fires have caused an overgrowth of the forest.

Fire mitigation is a way to manage vegetation so that hopefully fire will not be as intense. Creating defensible zones where ground fuels, shrubs and trees are not connected is important.

Creating Defensible Space

  • Remove smaller trees and shrubs from beneath decks and eves. Prune larger trees back, limbing them up 10 feet from the ground.
  • Create a clear pathway 8-10 feet wide around your house for easy access.
  • Keep grasses mowed and fine fuels such as pine needles and leaves raked up.
  • Thin and separate groups of scrub oak, taking advantage of natural separations.
  • Remove suppressed understory trees and shrubs to eliminate the laddering effect into upper canopies
  • Learn more on the Colorado Springs Fire Department page

Mountain High can help in evaluating your landscape and creating these defensible zones around your home.

Call our Colorado Springs Office: 719.444.8800
or contact us online:

Colorado Springs Lawn Care & Tree Care Estimate


Fire Mitigation DiagramDownload the Colorado Springs Fire Department “Reduce your Wildfire Risk” PDF with diagram above here »

Fire Mitigation Video: Check out this drone video footage above showing before and after shots of our Fire Mitigation work in the Colorado Springs.

As part of our Fire Mitigation services, we offer clients the option to get a video and photos like this to provide to insurance companies.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create a defensible space and reduce fire hazards around your home and/or your property.