September and October have been extremely hot and dry. It’s important to water your plants well one last time before they go dormant. An added layer of mulch can help insulate roots and hold in moisture. Winter is one of Colorado’s harshest seasons. Cold and dry conditions threaten the biggest investment in your yard — your trees. Winter is the driest season in Colorado Springs, temperatures can drop well below zero and warm Chinook winds can batter our trees. Keep your trees healthy, avoid winter-kill and minimize insect and disease problems by having a winter tree care plan that includes watering and pruning. Winter is an ideal time to prune your trees. Our arborists can see dead wood and visualize tree structure in order to properly prune your trees.

If you have any pruning, removal, plant health or lawn care needs and would like a free estimate, please call 719-444-8800 or click the link below. Your local experts are here for you!