Pine Wilt Disease found in Scotch and Austrian Pines

As winter approaches, dead Scotch and Austrian Pines have been appearing with more frequency in Colorado Springs. The culprit has been found to be the Pinewood nematode, a native to North America. It does not generally cause mortality in native Pines, but in exotic Pines it causes a fatal wilt disease. It can be deadly to the Scotch, Austrian and Mugo Pines planted in our landscapes.
The Pine wilt nematode is transmitted by Pine sawyers or long horned beetles, a group of native wood borers. Infection of Pines by the nematode starts in June or July, but symptoms don’t usually appear until late summer. The tree wilts and browns quickly due to the inability of the vascular system to take up water. Dead needles often stay attached to the tree through the winter. On Scotch Pines, the entire tree usually browns quickly whereas on Austrian Pines it may be restricted to a portion of the tree. Diseased wood becomes very dry and brittle and a blue stain fungi will be present.

Removal of infected trees before May of the following year is important. If other trees nearby are at risk there are a couple inject-able compounds that are recommended for protection from the nematode.

If you are concerned about your Scotch or Austrian Pine please call our Colorado Springs Office at 719-444-8800.

How to Care for Your Lawn in Colorado Springs

The weather and conditions in Colorado Springs create an ideal environment for lawn disease and insect and pest infestations.

We at Mountain High Tree Care & Consulting have extensive experience dealing with these problems as local lawn care experts and certified arborists. So, we decided to give you some helpful information on what you need to look out for in Colorado Springs, as well as a brief overview of some of our products that may be of help. Hope you enjoy the read.

Heat Stress/Drought

Due to Colorado Springs’s location in the high plains of Colorado, residents should be vigilant about properly caring for their lawns. There are several lawn care services that can help, including lawn fertilization, lawn aeration and soil loosening agents.

Mountain High Tree Care & Consulting provides several types of fertilizer, including an organic fertilizer called Nature’s Way, an extended-release fertilizer to treat your lawn throughout the season and our Conventional fertilizer specifically designed for the conditions in Colorado Springs.

We also offer lawn aeration services to help better oxygenate your lawn, as well as a product called Revive that is designed to loosen up hard, dry soils so the roots can absorb the necessary water and nutrients.

Pest and Insect Control

Drought-stressed grass can draw its fair share of mites and other bugs. Lawn mites can start feeding as early as December and continue munching through the winter season. What’s worse, they feed in bunches, making it difficult to control the devastation.

You also have other pests and bugs that pop up in the warmer months, such as white grubs, Sod Webworms and Billbugs.

You’ll often find pests such as mites on the south and west-facing sections of your lawn where the sun reflects the most heat. Make sure you water regularly in the winter and early spring to keep pest and mite populations under control.

Of course, pesticides have become a rather effective means of treating bugs once they start showing up. We offer various options for pest control.

If you are interested in our lawn care and pest control services in Colorado Springs, give us a call at 719.444.8800 or visit us at Our initial consultation is free of charge.